Life is all about choices….. You are in charge of your health and wellness. What journey are you willing to take?


Personal Training

Personal Training involves in-person training at our private studio. Training will focus on the client’s goals and needs, and will include warm-up, instruction on proper form, bodyweight movements, weight training, cardio bursts, mobility work & cool down, and various other training modalities.


Sports Performance

Sports Performance (individual, groups of 2 or 4) includes everything from warm-up & cool down to weight lifting and proper form, agility drills, plyometrics, proper body mechanics for individual sports, and mobility & recovery work. The primary goals will be improved performance & injury prevention.


Hybrid Programming

Hybrid Programming involves planned workouts based on their fitness goals, health history, and specific needs. Programming includes strength training & energy system development/ recovery days. Each program will have the option for supplemental nutrition guidance.


Buddy and Small Group Training

Buddy Training (2) and Small Group (3-4) Training involves exercising with the instruction of the trainer in a single session. Sessions will be based off of each client’s goals, physical needs and capabilities, and health histories. Exercises will also be tailored to fit each individual’s needs.


Fitness Enhancement Classes

Fitness Enhancement Classes will be taught with a focus on enhancing specific facets of fitness. Foci include HIIT & aerobic endurance, muscular strength & endurance, power, and focused modality training. Up to 8 individuals per class.


Recovery Training

Recovery Training addresses mobility/flexibility & stability needs. Sessions will be conducted either by use of body movement and positioning, bands, trigger point devices, and various weighted instruments, or by technological recovery tools provided and implemented by the trainer in-session for improved results.

Still Unsure?

Got questions about pricing, scheduling, or what’s the best plan for you? Let’s talk! Drop us a brief message!